If you are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or vulnerably housed YASC offers a safe and welcoming environment where you can get some home comforts like breakfast, light refreshments, access to toiletries and clean clothes. Our one to one advice sessions are available to help you find suitable accommodation and work through other issues to help you move forward with your life. We work alongside specialist services offering both drop-ins and appointments, including:

The Homeless Mental Health Service

The Hepatitis C Trust

Turning Point

St. Mungos

Opening Times

Monday - Friday at 165 Granby Street

8am - 10am: Drop-in for sit down breakfasts and practical help.
10am - 1pm: Pre-booked and drop-in one to one appointments.
8am - 3pm: You can contact the YASC team on 0116 2046223.


How we can support you

Practical Help

  • Breakfast between 8am – 10am for those in need (prioritising anyone rough sleeping 8am – 9am)
  • A safe and comfortable environment
  • Access to toilets and toiletries
  • Access to telephone for non-personal calls
  • Access to, and support with I.T.
  • A change of clothes where possible
  • Emergency food parcels where possible

Support and advice: drop-in or call

  • Benefits / finances
  • Accommodation advice
  • Access to a computer and help doing stuff online
  • Food / access to emergency food banks and social supermarkets
  • Individual tailored personal development support
  • We can assess your individual circumstances then offer the appropriate advice, signposting or one to ones

Mental and Physical Health

  • Homeless Mental Health Service provided by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust. Monday – Friday, 9am – 12 noon. Drop-in and appointments
  • Specialist mental health access worker – initial assessments, referrals to specialist services, ongoing support and appointments
  • Referrals and signposting to specialist drugs and alcohol agencies
  • Drug and alcohol support – Turning Point on site Monday and Thursday mornings
  • Assistance to register with or contact Inclusion Healthcare

I need a place to live

If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless you should contact your Local Council. See Get Help Now for local contacts. We can help you search for accommodation in an emergency, or longer term and provide access to a telephone


There’s a building site where I squeezed through the metal fencing and that provided a roof over my head.

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We rely on donations to enable us to continue to provide a high level of service. This could be cash donations or non-perishable food, toiletries and specific items such as rucksacks and men’s t-shirts. If you feel you can help in any way please contact YASC or you can donate online.

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