If you wish to fill a shoebox or gift other items we would be grateful if you could let us know when you want to deliver them up to Wednesday 13th December 2023. You can also take a look at our web page detailing everyday items that our residents need all year round, such as new towels and shower gel, we’re always running out!
Ideal Christmas gifts for our residents include:
- Gift Sets – perfume/aftershave/make-up etc
- Arts and Crafts items – notebooks/felt pens/colouring pencils/nice colouring books etc
- Toiletries – shampoo/conditioner/shower gel/toothpaste/brush (NO razors)
- Deodorants
- Hair Products (Pump sprays/gel/wax/bobbles etc – NO aerosols)
- Games and Cards
- Tea/Coffee/Sugar/Hot Chocolate
- Sweets and Chocolates
- Fluffy Socks/Scarves/Gloves
- Non-Perishable Foods (Pot Noodle/Cereal Bars etc)
See what young people need all year round