I was an asylum seeker and was going to be out of the asylum seeker house in 30 days. I went to the council and they said they’d contact me. It was the 30th day and I woke up early and rang them and they said they were really sorry they couldn’t find me a place. I was a bit scared, because I didn’t know where to go… I had no friends, no family. Three hours later they rang me back and said you have a room.
When I came to YMCA, they showed me around and gave me my keys – it felt good. I’m enjoying staying here and I’ve got a couple of friends. It’s kind of like a second home. My Transition Coach helped me out a lot. She helped with college, weekly sessions, phone calls and appointments – helping me work out what to do. She asked me how I felt and helped with my finances. We have good conversations and always end up talking about Africa and stuff. The YMCA is a nice place, come here… and you’re gonna be good, you’ll be alright.