
If you’ve been to one of our gigs you’ll know that we use a lot of plastic cups.  It’s an important part of what we do to help keep everyone safe while having a great time but we’ve never really been a fan of how much plastic we get through.  As we went to put in another order, we thought it was about time for a change.

Look at them!!!
Aren’t they snazzy?!

The 1-pint cups are made from recyclable plastic and are dishwasher safe, we we can use them again and again.  We couldn’t resist putting The Y Theatre logo on one side and our Leicester Comedy Festival ‘Lifetime Contribution’ award on the other.

The best thing about them is, you can have your own!


Here’s how to do it:

    1. Go to our theatre to see a talented musician (obviously, this is step one)
    2. Make a stop at the bar and order a drink
    3. The lovely bar tender will give you one of our shiny new cups for a £1 deposit.
    4. You enjoy the gig, drinking your drink throughout and musing on the fact that The Y Theatre won the Leicester Comedy Festival Lifetime Contribution Award (not to toot our own horn, but … *toot toot*)
    5. If you want a different drink, we’ll just swap out your cup at the bar.
    6. After the gig you can either hand your cup back in at the bar and get your £1 back OR keep your cup.  Simply walk away with it. Then not only do you have a super snazzy cup of your very own but you get to have that warm fuzzy feeling knowing you donated to charity.  Because that’s what you did.

Still confused?  Here’s a handy GIF!




And that’s it! It really could not be any more simple.

Theatre more your thing?  Well you can just ask!  We always have the cups behind the bar so if you want one our bar staff will be happy to help.

We look forward to seeing you at the bar!

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