Sitting down with…Shey Hargreaves

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Shey Hargreaves, I’m a writer and performer based in Norfolk although I was born and raised in Leicester. I trained as an actor and scriptwriter and I write for stage, radio and occasionally graphic novels. Aside from that I do a lot of laundry (I have a toddler) and eat a lot of crisps (I like crisps).

What are you bringing to The Y Theatre?
My show Sick is touring nationally at the moment and I am beyond delighted that it’s coming to The Y Theatre on the 21st of March. It’s going to be a great feeling performing in my hometown and I can’t wait. It’s a one woman show that I have written and also perform, about my time working in the NHS as an emergency department receptionist.

If you could be on stage with anyone, who would it be and why?
My favourite person to watch on stage is Sindhu Vee because she makes me genuinely weep with laughter. However I think if I could actually be on stage with anyone it would be my brother because he lives in Canada at the moment and it’s TOO FAR and if he suddenly found himself on stage with me he would be forced to spend time with me out of respect for the paying audience. And maybe we could get a pint after.

What are you watching?
A bunch of toddler clothes going round and round in the washing machine before coming out and being dried and then being worn and then getting mud and sand and fruit crumble wiped all over them and then being put in the washing machine again and going round and round…

Name one thing you can’t live without and why
Crisps. Need I say more.

Name one thing you really hate and why
Replacement buses. Need I say more.

Describe your show with one GIF

Why should people come and see your show?
Because all of life is encompassed in what happens on an emergency unit, the good and the bad, the sidesplittingly funny and the chest-achingly sad. This show has connected with so many people in so many different ways because most of us have had experiences in our own lives that are reflected in the show’s themes. This makes both seeing and performing the show a really unique experience, a very warm, meaningful and tender interaction. And the impact of cuts to the health service is being felt right now, this minute, all across the country, by patients and staff within our hospitals, and those stories need to be heard.

See Shey at The Y Theatre in Sick on Thursday 21 March at 7.30pm.  For more info and to book click here!

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