The Y is delighted to announce the launch of a new website called Y Money Matters.
The project received support from the NatWest Skills and Opportunities Fund and is for the use of young people aged 16 – 24 to develop financial skills including saving and budgeting.
Y Money Matters is a resource full of useful information about managing money, personal care, maintaining and managing a home, benefits, employment and training. Young people were involved in the design, content and creation of the website to provide greater emphasis on the topics that are important to young people in Leicestershire.
Over 80 young people have taken part along the various stages from the design of a logo to the subjects covered, site structure and top tips. This has been provided in the form of group planning, feedback surveys, digital skills workshops, filming and photography.
The Y Money Matters website is a resource that can be updated and improved over time as things such as technology, policies and legalities change over time and more resources become available.
Whilst the creation of the website has developed the skills of the young people involved, the website will encourage young people to embrace personal financial planning and the freedom that brings. There are many external resources cited where young people can research and improve their own knowledge to develop strategies and a mind-set that is right for their individual circumstances.
All the topics covered provide an overview and helpful hints to allow young people to make their own choices, learn to assess risks and develop a sense of financial freedom rather than feeling constrained. Visit